Metalympics Originals #5–10,000 $SAND

Metalympics Originals #5 — The Greatest Bunny

4 min readJul 29, 2022

Metalympics Originals #5

Metalympics Originals is already releasing its 5th speedrun!

There is a baby rabbit astronaut on the moonbase. Trapped in the facility without fuels, the baby rabbit has to collect necessary resources to make rocket fuel and escape the Moon. Please help the rabbit to collect them all!

It is your responsibility to read all the rules and provide valid submissions.

We will only hold The Glitchless league this time. Lots of thanks to The Sandbox working hard to fix all the bugs.

The Game Maker version specified

While The Sandbox puts countless efforts to fix the unexpected bugs, we observed that some players took an advantage of an outdated version. Therefore, we will announce the correct version of The Game Maker for every competition, so that we can promote fairness — as we always do!

Accepted version of The Game Maker: 0.6.24

  • Windows: Release-WindowsPlayer-0.6.24
  • Mac: Release-OSXPlayer-0.6.24

Please make sure you see and clearly record the correct version in The Game Maker on the top right corner.

Jumping over two blocks is allowed

We found out, potentially because of the character, that it is fairly straightforward to jump over the two blocks. Therefore, we decided to allow our players to jump over two blocks for this competition. Yet, you can’t jump over three or more blocks. Please keep that in mind.

The Sandbox ✕ Metalympics — 10,000 $SAND

The Sandbox ✕ Metalympics

Here we brought THE MOST EXCITING news!🔥

The support from The Sandbox stays with Metalympics, and here’s another 10,000 $SAND prepared for our winners! 🎉🎉🎉

The prize distribution is different from the last event. Now that we have two different leagues, we separated the prize pool!

  • We reward a total of 65 participants🎉
  • Top 15 from The Glitchless and 50 random lucky participants will be rewarded.

We want to appreciate all the participants — even the ones who didn’t have chances to improve to be on top! Therefore, even if you are not confident, still submit your fantastic job! The lucky 50 participants will receive 20 $SAND.

How To Join

Metalympics Originals #5

Event period: 0:00 AM July 29th, 2022 ~ 11:59 PM August 4th, 2022 (UTC)

  • Make sure to check the rules of Metalympics Speedrun Competitions
  • Play and record “Metalympics Originals #5” on The Game Maker Drafts Gallery
  • Screenshot the result of the game
  • Follow Metalympics on Twitter
  • Like & Retweet the post on Twitter and tag two friends
  • Comment with the screenshot of the result
  • Fill in the form

All the form submissions, excluding the wallet information, will be shared in our Discord server. Check out others’ epic plays!

Only the PUBLIC (or unlisted) videos are accepted. Users with private or scheduled videos will be disqualified. Your videos will be checked again when you are selected to be one of the winners.

Please refer to the rules :

  • Proper Video Recordings
  • KYC Verified
  • First Come First Served
  • No Multiple Accounts
  • No Equipment
  • No Cheating Software
  • The Game Maker Version Specified

In the meantime, you are highly welcome to join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date with event details and plans.

Join our Discord channel:

Here’s the breakdown on the prizes.

Prize distribution:

🏃‍♂️ The Glitchless

1st: 2,000 $SAND 👑

2nd: 1,500 $SAND

3rd: 1,000 $SAND

4th: 750 $SAND

5th: 750 $SAND

6th: 500 $SAND

7th: 500 $SAND

8th: 400 $SAND

9th: 400 $SAND

10th: 300 $SAND

11th: 300 $SAND

12th: 200 $SAND

13th: 150 $SAND

14th: 150 $SAND

15th: 100 $SAND

🍀 50 random participants

20 $SAND each

DISCLAIMER: The delivery of the promised reward will be processed only after The Sandbox validates the submission with analysis. The user must be following the Twitter account to receive. The final decision is on Metalympics.

Mandatory KYC Verification

From now on, all winners receiving more than 500 $SAND MUST submit KYC to receive prizes. It will take months for The Sandbox to prepare the KYC protocol. Therefore, we will deliver the KYC form privately to the winners to provide their personal details. Therefore, your patience is highly appreciated. Sebastien Borget will supervise the process.

The Sandbox will NO LONGER determine the cheaters with the players’ gameplays. Metalympics will make all the final decisions regarding the cheating, and the responsibility of The Sandbox is to disqualify the users with invalid KYC.

What Happens Next & How to Report Cheaters

Projected Workflow After Competitions

The community members are also responsible for reporting any cheaters to the Admins. Please refer to the link below for the instructions.

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Written by Metalympics

A great experience on The Sandbox

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